cch figma costas ch

Flavorful Journey with Figma : Food Delivery Web App (Wireframe)

Welcome to our vibrant and playful Food Delivery web app demo landing page! Using an eye-catching and colorful palette, featuring #FF3D8B, #97F4FF, #3EECFF, #3FFFB2, #3B3F45, and #FFFFFF, we have designed a delightful experience for our users.

Color Picker

Section 1:

This section features an input area labeled “Enter your Location” to allow users to order from a variety of cuisines. Users can also discover restaurants in their local area through this feature.

section 1 food delivery figma

Section 2:

Section 2 showcases our Popular Dishes, enticing users with mouthwatering visuals and irresistible options.

section 2 food delivery figma

Section 3:

In Section 3, we explain How It Works, providing a user-friendly guide to our delivery web app’s functionality, making it easy for newcomers to navigate.

section 3 food delivery figma

Section 4:

Section 4 presents glowing Customer Reviews, sharing the positive experiences of our satisfied customers, building trust and reliability.

section 4 food delivery figma

Section 5:

Featured Restaurants are highlighted in Section 5, offering users a diverse selection of culinary delights to choose from.

section 5 food delivery

Section 6:

Section 6 enables users to place their orders effortlessly, with a user-friendly input area to provide Name, Address, and Phone details.

section 6 food delivery

Section 7:

In Section 7, we proudly display our Order Statistics, showcasing Top Selling Items, Total Orders, Total Revenue, and Average Rating, reflecting our success and credibility.

section 7

Section 8:

A simple and engaging banner with an image awaits users in Section 8, providing an additional visual treat.

section 8

Section 9:

Section 9 incorporates a Map feature. Ensuring users can easily locate nearby restaurants and track their orders in real-time.

section 9

Section 10:

Finally 👻. In Section 10, a well-crafted footer ties everything together, offering essential links and information.

section 10 delivery

Get ready to embark on a fun and delicious journey with our Food Delivery web app demo, designed to bring convenience, enjoyment, and satisfaction to every user!


CostasCh. As an IT and multimedia specialist, I have a wealth of knowledge in web design, development, and video games. With certifications from the Cisco Networking Academy and expertise in SEO, Google AdWords, and email marketing, I'm dedicated to helping businesses thrive. Currently a student in Information and Electronic Engineering, I'm also skilled in WordPress and WooCommerce.